Sunday, April 18, 2010

WIN a Blog-Makeover

Do you have a blog? Are you having a hard time designing your layout? Then you need to enter, Thanks, Mail Carrier's contest for a blog makeover by Housenine Designs. I know my blog needs helps so I entered her contest too! Without an education in web designs I am very limited. I know how I want my blog to look but making it that way is another story. To enter go to Thanks, Mail Carrier's Blog today to win! And you must go to Housenine Designs to see Thais Helena's beautiful work and if you don't win you can hire her to design your blog :)!


Xenia said...

Yay, good luck! I know what you mean about having an idea in your head but not being able to get your blog to look that way, why does web design have to be so darn complicated?

Mass Hole Mommy said...

Hey, stopping by from the Friday follow!

Scarlet of Moms Wear Your Tees said...

Love blog giveaways!!
Following your blog now.

Sarah said...

Returning the follow, happy Friday!

VKT said...

I am going to check her out. I need a blog makeover. Thanks for sharing.


I love the picture at the top of your blog.